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Divine Mercy Radio is run by a lay apostolate, serving as a Board of Directors, who is working in partnership with Church leaders. Divine Mercy Radio is dedicated to the message of truth, mercy and love as proclaimed by Jesus Christ. Its purpose is to serve as a means of evangelizing the orthodox teachings of the Roman Catholic Church through programming of EWTN and Ave Maria Radio as well as Catholic approved local programming.
Mission Statement:
Divine Mercy Radio was established to fulfill the Decree of the Second Vatican Council, Inter Mirifca -- Among the Wonderful. Inter Mirifica calls for the use of social communications to promote and instruct all people according to God's plan of sanctification found in the teachings of the Catholic Church. By the guidance of the Supreme Pontiff and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Divine Mercy Radio endeavors to bring educational, entertaining, and spiritually enriching programming that expresses the love and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Hebrew word ruah is a very rich word with lots of meanings. In English, it can be variously translated as: wind, air, breath, and spirit. In the Creation Story in Genesis we are told that the ruah of God hovered over the waters in the beginning. Jesus breathes on His apostles after His Resurrection to bestow His Spirit upon them (John 20:22). I believe that in keeping with this sacred tradition, that the airwaves of Catholic Radio can also be included in the ancient understanding of ruah. God’s Spirit is transmitted to our listeners through the programming we are able to broadcast through the air, on-line, through the Divine Mercy App, etc. Whether it is through the fine programming that comes to us from EWTN or our locally produced shows like One Body and Double Edged Sword the airwaves are alive with God’s Spirit or ruah. We are glad you are taking time to study our website and listen to our programming. I will only ask you to do what I myself do for our local Catholic Radio Station: Please pray for the mission of Divine Mercy Radio, and financially support these Catholic airwaves as you are able.

Fr. Fred Gatschet, Vicar General
Prayer for the Mission of Divine Mercy Radio
Heavenly Father, we thank you for giving us these radio waves as a means of evangelizing your Word. We ask that you bless this ministry by opening the minds and hearts of all who listen. Help them to seek and known the abundance of your love and mercy. Enable our finances to keep us on stable ground so that this ministry might grow and touch hearts for your kingdom. Bless all who work and contribute to this ministry. Send your Holy Spirit to help us be witnesses of Your love and mercy. Enable our work to be a sacrificial offering pleasing to you. We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
St. Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Chaplet

Meaning of Icon:
The Jerusalem Cross represents spreading the Gospel to all four corners of the earth.
The center piece represents the Divine Mercy of Jesus on one side and Our Blessed Mother on the reverse side.
The colors of the chaplet represent the colors of Our Lady in her icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. The color of her gown is red. The color of her cloak is blue. Her crown, parts of the cloak and the background are gold. These colors represent royalty.
The icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help is a Byzantine icon that has its origin sometime during the 13th-15th century. The icon is known for being miraculous; over the centuries countless healings special graces have been attributed to it, so much so that the image has been honored and venerated by many popes.
The icon depicts the Virgin Mary, under the title "Mother of God" holding the Child Jesus. The Archangels Michael and Gabriel, hovering in the upper corners, hold the instruments of the Passion. St. Michael (in the left corner) holds the spear, the wine-soaked sponge, and the crown of thorns. St. Gabriel (in the right corner) holds the cross and nails.
The intent of the artist was to portray the Child Jesus contemplating the vision of His future Passion. Frightened by the vision, He runs to his mother for consolation. The anguish He feels is shown by the loss of one of His sandals as He quickly flees into the arms of His Mother.
The icon also conveys the triumph of Christ over sin and death, symbolized by the golden background as a sign of the glory of the Resurrection. The royal crowns on the heads of Jesus and Mary also symbolize their triumph as the King of Kings and his Queen Mother.
The Child Jesus seeks comfort from His Mother as He sees the instruments of His Passion. The position of Mary's hands - both holding the Child Jesus and at the same time presenting Him to us - convey the reality of our Lord's Incarnation, that He is true God who also became true Man.
Just as the Child Jesus fled into the arms of His Mother when He was frightened, so too do we flee into the arms of Our Blessed Mother with child-like confidence whenever fear envelopes our hearts. Just as the Virgin Mother consoled and comforted her Divine Child, so too does she console and comfort us, her spiritual children, in our afflictions. We can always come to her in our time of need and receive her help.

On May 17, 2012, the Board of Directors signed a resolution making Our Lady of Perpetual Help the official patroness of Divine Mercy Radio, Inc.
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